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How to Choose a Good Institute for Your Career?
Education is very important for every child as it is a medium for the future growth. It is a fundamental right of every child to get at least basic education. Although the number of academic institutes is growing, the quality of education is not dear to many of them. We see schools, colleges, academies and tuition centers around every corner but how many of those are imparting the quality of education students are looking for. Most of the private schools, colleges, universities and other academic institutes spend a lot on their outlook, Advertisement, setup and claim to be the best or at least a super place to study at. These may very well be on the whole but there will be certain subjects you are weak in or more interested in but unfortunately the teacher you come across may not help you well. The administration and discipline of an institute also plays a key role in imparting the quality education. In addition to the teaching staff, teaching facilities also make big difference for the learning. The question is how to choose a good institute? If you know an institute since long for its performance and you will have to queue up for admission, you don’t need to worry and must timely apply for admission. However, if you come from a remote city/area and/or you don’t know any good institute, what are the possible ways to make sure you find the best possible institute. You can visit door to door and compare the prospectus, or you can start asking different friends and families to gain confidence that you are not entering into an institute that will not help you gain a good return on your long term career investment. Ideally, there must be an independent quality assurance program on national level to accredit the institutes. You will not have to worry and assess yourself, you will simply have to check the latest ranking of the institute and draw a comparison between your possible choices. Unfortunately such a quality assurance program or forum is not available in Pakistan as yet. In the modern era of information technology, it should be possible to know all available good and bad choices online but either many institutes have no websites or lack required info or even if online will not be found in Search Engines.

Pakrang Education portal is determined to provide a forum where maximum possible info is available for all educational sources of Pakistan. It is aimed to help students, parents, institutes and society for a better education. This will not be possible without a sincere support from society members, students, parents, teachers and administration of institutes. It is requested that for the sake of public benefit, visitors give a positive feedback. If there is any piece of info that you can help us to add to website or correct, please feel free to write to us or add feedback directly on website. Your few words expressing real experience of an institute can help many other fellows to know a good institute or stay away from a bad one safeguarding their career.

We know that today, this website doesn’t contain even 1% of the info we intend to share with you all and we have a long way to go to achieve that but we look forward to your patience, support, cooperation and keenness to see more and more info at Thank you for your time and pls. visit us again.
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